The bits are flowing slowly today...

Let's Go Premium!

We love everyone that uses our service, however some things cost us money to keep running (Shocker). Help us keep our service up, and the development going by upgrading to premium today! We're always working to make Premium better, but it will never be required to use MCSync. We will always remain free to use!



  • 1 Server Token
  • Ban Twitch Accounts from Server
  • Link your Minecraft Account
  • Discord Access
  • Free Support


$ 4.99 /mo

  • All Features From 'Basic'
  • Add Co-Streamers To Tokens
  • Unlimited Server Tokens
  • Premium Discord Role
  • Priority Support


Custom Amount

  • Show love for this project
  • We're a small team of developers
  • Caffeine fuels us forward
  • Support with a custom Donation Amount
Support / Feature Requests:
Looking for some support with MCSync? Want to suggest a new feature? Join our Discord for both, or to stay updated with all things MCSync!