Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I let my friend on my server without them being subscribed to me?

Of course you can! It would be totally boring playing alone and obsurd to force your friends to give you money! You can give them the permission `mcs.bypass` or add them to the vanilla whitelist. Just don't enable the vanilla whitelist!

2. How many servers can I have with the Free Version?

By default, Free accounts will have access to create 1 server / API token. Premium users have the ability to create as many server API tokens as they please.

3. How much is Premium?

Premium is $4.99/month. We truely appriciate your consideration for premium!

4. What benefits does Premium have to offer?

We're... working on that..

5. Does MCSync work with Forge, Paper, or Sponge?

We are working on developing a Forge compatable plugin. Spigot plugins do run on Paper however not on Sponge. We work hard to develop addons for the most commonly used Minecraft servers.

6. What version of Minecraft are supported?

MCSync supports most all versions of Minecraft including the most recent 1.21.1 update. Unless the core code of Minecraft changes, our plugin typically doesn't need an update.

7. Do you provide support?

Yes! If you need help setting up MCSync on your Minecraft Server, or your Discord Server, please don't hesitate to join our support server and submit a ticket, or ask the community.

8. How often are subscribers synced?

Our Discord bot listens for any role updates on users, when a user registers their Minecraft Java username to their Discord ID their information gets added to MCSync's database. Once that user attempts to join your server at that point their information is checked. There's no delay. As soon as a users links their Minecraft to their Discord, they can join the server.